Monday, November 5, 2007

"Where's the Light?"

Since Halloween is over, Joms and I decided to start adorning our home with Christmas decors. We set up the tree first (which we bought 2 years ago), and put some decors and lights. We also decorated our door with pink garlands and a big red Christmas sock (together with Masheng's cute little sock) which will be filled with candies for my girl on her very first Christmas celebration...

Our baby was so amazed with the Christmas lights. She's always been fascinated with colorful lights. Maybe that's the reason why her very first trick has something to do with, of course, the light. Just ask her where the light is (or where the lights are) and she'll obediently look up with pouting lips as if pointing at its direction... She's even cuter and more adorable whenever she does that! That's why we never get tired of asking her the magic question, "Where's the light, baby?" And now that we have more colorful lights at home, Masheng will surely enjoy pouting her lips more ...

Of course, as a mom, I'm so proud now that my little girl starts learning things. Im looking forward to teaching her more tricks and sharing it with you, guys! Check out the video here.

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